Reactivity of Objects in Vuejs (vuex)


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I am making an application where I store the user profile data in the vuex store, and there is the option to update this data. the problem is that when I update via mutations as indicated, and saved, the data in the store updates, the component computed updates, but the component itself does not update, as seen in the image: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

how I am recovering vuex data:

export default {
 data() {
  return {};

 computed: {
  activeUserInfo() {
   return this.$store.getters.getUserActive;
  getDisplayName() {
   return this.$store.getters.getDisplayName;
 methods: {
  logout() {
   // this.$router.push('/pages/login').catch(() => {});

how I’m treating Mutation in vuex:

  UPDATE_USER_INFO(state, payload) {
    // Get Data localStorage
    let userInfo =
      JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('userInfo')) || state.AppActiveUser;

    for (const property of Object.keys(payload)) {
      if (payload[property] != null) {
        // If some of user property is null - user default property defined in state.AppActiveUser
        state.AppActiveUser[property] = payload[property];

        // Update key in localStorage
        userInfo[property] = payload[property];
    // Store data in localStorage
    localStorage.setItem('userInfo', JSON.stringify(userInfo));

I am calling this Mutation in an action that launches the data to update on my server and later returns the update:

  async updateUserInfoSave({ commit }, payload) {
    try {
      // const { name, company, avatar, password } = payload;
      // console.log(payload);

      const accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken');
      const { data: response } = await axios.put('/users', payload, {
        headers: {
          'Content-Type': `multipart/form-data; boundary=${payload._boundary}`,
          Authorization: `Baerer ${accessToken}`

      commit('UPDATE_USER_INFO', response);

      return response;
    } catch (error) {
      throw new Error(error);

Does anyone know what might be going on?

  • sends html as well

  • I noticed that when I click commit all on Vue Devtools starts updating normally.

1 answer


I went through problems like that too, I don’t know exactly why this is happening but vuex has a problem with reactivity when it is done nested, in case you are updating the property of an object within the state, not considering this reactive property.

To solve this problem I used the Vue.set in my mutations to ensure that authentication will always be updated in a reactive way.

In your case try to change your mutatation so it stays like this:

 for (const property of Object.keys(payload)) {
      if (payload[property] != null) {
        // If some of user property is null - user default property defined in state.AppActiveUser

        // Update key in localStorage
        userInfo[property] = payload[property];
  • 1

    It’s almost that brother, the problem is not in nesting, but, you need to initialize all the properties of the object you want to be reactive, in state, if it doesn’t update, then the Vue.set() feature would be a more plausible solution

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