Browse and collect data from dictionaries within a list


Viewed 53 times


I have a list of several dictionaries containing registration data:

[{'sex': ’M', 'age': 44}, {'sex': 'F', 'age': 33}, {'sex': ’M', 'age': 55}]

I created separate functions to calculate the average, and the number of female/male people (and also the percentage)

But my problem is in passing the parameter to these functions, and how to go through this list to collect the data (for example, a repeat structure to collect the 'age' data to calculate the average.), as I would do this access?

2 answers


You can do it in several ways, for example you could package this data in a class but as you said already have separate functions a simple way to do it is like this:

meus_dados = [
    {'sexo': 'M', 'idade': 44},
    {'sexo': 'F', 'idade': 33},
    {'sexo': 'M', 'idade': 55}

def media(dados):

    total, itens = 0, 0

    for item in dados:
        valor = item.get('idade', 0)
        if valor:
            itens += 1
            total += valor

    return (total / itens) if itens else 0


You can send the full list to the function, then scan element by element (the for) using the method .get() to recover the value of the key you seek* and finding you perform the operation.

Note that my code only sums the ages if they exist, if the increment of itens should be outside the if ....

(*) the second parameter is the default value if there is no key, see the documentation for more information).

  • Ah, in Python 3.8 onwards you can use the operator Walrus and just do if valor := item.get('idade', 0): ...


Another approach would be to use reduce:

import functools 

dados = [{'sexo': 'M', 'idade': 44}, {'sexo': 'F', 'idade': 33}, {'sexo': 'M', 'idade': 55}]

def reduzir(anterior, atual):
  anterior[atual['sexo']]['qtde'] += 1
  anterior[atual['sexo']]['idade'] += atual['idade']
  return anterior

base = { 'M': { 'idade': 0, 'qtde': 0 }, 'F': { 'idade': 0, 'qtde': 0 } }
functools.reduce(reduzir, dados, base)

The result is:

{'F': {'idade': 33, 'qtde': 1}, 'M': {'idade': 99, 'qtde': 2}}

This way you have the result separated by sex, being able to average by sex or general.

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