Hello! I need to do a data conversion in SQL Server 2008 from the "data field".
Could someone tell me how this can be done?
I tried so:
select distinct c.Empresa, p.Nome,
c.NumeroOC as 'Numero da OC', c.Fornecedor as 'Cod Fornecedor', pe.Nome as 'Fornecedor',
(Convert(Numeric(10,2), c.valor)) as 'Valor',
det.descricao as 'Local de Entrega',l.Descricao as 'CR',
Case when c.situacao = 1 then
when c.situacao = 2 then
'Atendida Parcialmente'
when c.situacao = 3 then
'Atendida Totalmente'
when c.situacao = 4 then
'Finalizada Manualmente' end as 'Status',
c.ordemaut as 'Gerada Sem Processo',
so.NumeroSolic as 'Número Solicitação', ic.Material,
from compras c
inner join pessoas p on (c.empresa = p.codigo)
inner join pessoas pe on (c.fornecedor = pe.codigo)
inner join locais l on (c.cresultado = l.codigo) and tipolocal = 'CR'
inner join detpessoas det on (det.Sequencial = c.LocalEntrega)
inner join itenscompra ic on (c.SequencialOC = ic.SequencialOC)
inner join Materiais m on (ic.Material = m.codigo)
inner join ItensSolic its on (ic.cotacao = its.cotacao)
inner join solicitacoes so on (its.SequencialSolic = so.SequencialSolic)
order by c.data, ic.material
But he’s bringing the current date, I couldn’t figure out where to fit the column he should convert.
GETDATE() returns the current date, replace with its field.
– anonimo
I tried this, it gives this problem: Message 4121, Level 16, Status 1, Line 1 Unable to locate the "c" column or the user-defined function or the"c.Data" aggregate, or the name is ambiguous.
– Julio Cesar Andrade
Sorry, but my crystal ball is offline and I am not able to read the command you are using. See: Manual on how NOT to ask questions
– anonimo
And like the column
was declared?– José Diz
Reading suggestion: Dominating dates and times in SQL Server -> https://portosql.wordpress.com/2020/02/29/dominando-datas-horas/
– José Diz