How to assign a value to a select option (HTML element) and display data associated with that value? ASP.NET


Viewed 142 times


I have a select that is being 'populated' as follows in my ASP.NET application:

   <select id="id_select" class="form-control">
                        @foreach (var x in listay)
                          <option  value = "@x.nome"> @x.nome </option>

This way, I’m able to display the names I have in "listay".

However, my application should display on the screen all data relating to the name that the user clicks on a select option. Like, for example: By clicking on an option - the name "John", for example - other data that is associated with João should be displayed just below on the screen, such as last name, age, date of birth, etc. I have all this data in my "listay" - and I can access it using "@x.last name", "@x.age", "@x.dataNascimento" - but I don’t know how to associate this data to the option that the user click on select.

Please, could someone guide me how to proceed to resolve this impasse? I thank you for your attention.

1 answer


You can do this using Javascript to catch the moment the user changes the select. The name of this event is 'onchange'.

First of all it is important that in the value attribute of the option tag you put a unique key, which the user can be identified. The id is usually placed. So following your example, the first thing you should do is something like this:

<select id="id_select" class="form-control">
   @foreach (var x in listay)
      <option value=""> @x.nome </option>

This way, each option will have its own value and it will be easier for you to identify which data you should display according to the option selected by the user.

After that you can create the function that validates which user was selected and add the onchange directly in HTML:

<select id="id_select" class="form-control" onchange="BuscarDados(this);">

Function in Javascript

function BuscarDados(elemento){
   let idSelecionado = elemento.children[elemento.selectedIndex];
   // Suponhamos que o id do João é igual a 3, logo... Você poderá exibir os dados do João dentro do if
   if(idSelecionado == 3){
      // Código para exibir os campos do João


  • Hello! Thank you for the answer! Could you help me with a question? With regard to "Code to display John fields", how could I 'call' the data - like x.last name, x.age, x.dataNascimento - in the Javascript function, if they are inside the 'foreach' that populates the select? Thank you for your attention.

  • Riccarsan, there are some ways to do this. The first is to use the controller to fetch the data from the specific user you want and then use a Viewbag or Viewdata to pass the data to the View. The second is to access it directly on the list, with Inglo. You could create a global variable, inside @{} at the beginning of the page, something like: var dadsLista = listay.Where(x => == idUsuarioQueVoceQuer); Then just access in the code: @dadsList.last name and so on. But I already assume that the most common is with Viewbag. In case I helped you, could you mark the question as solved? Abç

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