<mariadb has no attribute Error> no python/windows


Viewed 104 times



I’m trying to use mariadb with python in windows.

My system is:

  • Windows 10
  • Python 3.8.6rc1
  • Pip 20.2.3

I installed the connector:

And installed the mariadb:

  • pip3 install mariadb

When running the script below:

import mariadb
import sys

config = {
    'host'     : 'localhost',
    'user'     : 'root',
    'password' : 'password'

    conn = mariadb.connect(**config, database='database')
except mariadb.Error as err:
    print(err, file=sys.stderr)

cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute("SHOW TABLES")
for (tbl,) in cur.fetchall(): # pre-fetch all data to free up the cursor
    print("\n===", tbl, "===\n")
    cur.execute(f"SELECT * FROM `{tbl}`")
    print([x[0] for x in cur.description]) # print field names (as a list)
    for row in cur: # using an iterator minimizes the memory used
        print(row) # print every row in this table (each as a tuple)

#~ cur.execute("INSERT INTO sample VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
    #~ (1, "A 'string' with single quotes.", '2020-01-01'))


This error message appears:

>pythonw -u "mariadb.py"
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\teste\mariadb.py", line 17, in <module>
    conn = mariadb.connect(**config, database='database')
AttributeError: partially initialized module 'mariadb' has no attribute 'connect' (most likely due to a circular import)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mariadb.py", line 2, in <module>
    import mariadb
  File "E:\teste\mariadb.py", line 18, in <module>
    except mariadb.Error as err:
AttributeError: partially initialized module 'mariadb' has no attribute 'Error' (most likely due to a circular import)
>Exit code: 1    Time: 0.1065

Could someone help me?

1 answer


You have created a file with the same name as the library. So you are importing your own file instead of importing the library mariadb.

The solution is to rename your file mariadb.py to any other name.

  • Solved, thank you very much!

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