Error with Package Control Sublimetext 2


Viewed 492 times


I have the following problem:

I installed the Package Control plugin in Sublimetext Editor 2 to be able to install the other plugins via shortcut in the sublime itself, but every time I start the Editor the same appears the following error:

Imagem do ERRO

After I press OK, everything works normally and I can even use the plugin.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

OS: Windows 8

  • You have git installed?

1 answer


You will need to install the Git, if not already installed.

Then go to the menu Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings > User, and edit the file to add the item git_binary. Example of how it looks:

        "Package Control"
    "git_binary": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"

Save and restart the editor.

Of course, if Git is installed in another directory, replace C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\git.exe by the right way.

  • It worked, thank you very much!

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