Search by ngFor date range


Viewed 56 times


I need help from someone, I looked around a lot more I couldn’t find. I have two Datastart and Datafim fields and I need to filter on ngFor to filter the selected dates. Example *ngFor="Let order of Opportunities | dateRange:'forecast':startDate:endDate; Let i=index". I researched and this makes Pipetransform...but I have no idea how to do it.

1 answer



In your case, I would only create a function in the component itself that filters your array, to avoid running the pipe code several times.

filtrarItens(arrayOriginal, startDate, endDate) {
  this.opportunities  = arrayOriginal.filter(item => {
    return this.inRange(item.forecast, startDate, endDate);

 * Verifica se a data está entre a data inicial e a data final
inRange(data, startDate, endDate) {
  return startDate <= data && endDate >= data;

But for you to stay inside about Pipes, below I gave a little explanation about its use.

What is the pipe?

Pipetransform is an Angular mechanism for processing data before displaying it in the DOM. Angular itself has its own Pipes like Datepipe that formats a date for which you are, Uppercasepipe to make letters uppercase, Currencypipe to format coins, etc.

How to use the angled pipe?

The use of a pipe is very simple.

{{ dado | nomePipe : PARAMETRO1 : PARAMETRO2 : PARAMETRO3 }}

The datum is the element you want to format. Then comes this bar ( | ) to inform Angular that a pipe will be applied called nomePipe. And finally, separated by two points, all the necessary parameters are passed to the pipe.

But be very careful to use pipes within *ngFor, because every time Angular detects a change it will run the pipe again, and depending on the complexity it can slow down your application.

Creating a pipe:

You can create your own Pipes. From what I understand you want a function that passes the array of items to filter and 3 more arguments, which are:

  1. attribute (forecast) - would be the object attribute with the date to compare
  2. startDate - the initial date.
  3. endDate - the final date.

You can create a pipe by command ng generate pipe dateRange which will generate a file with the Transform function, it will be executed to treat your data. Below I made an implementation to filter the dates.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'dateRange'
export class DateRangePipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: any, atributo: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date): any {
    if (!value) {return value };
    return value.filter(item => {
      return this.inRange(item[atributo], startDate, endDate);

   * Verifica se a data está entre a data inicial e a data final
  private inRange(data, startDate, endDate) {
    return startDate <= data && endDate >= data;


I did an example on stackBlitz of a little project, you can see better how it works.

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  • Bruno, that’s exactly what I needed. I made some and I’m only able to display the month’s records (example 09-2020), but when I try to filter it is not searching the records. Here is an example of what I am doing

  • Apparently the comparison you’re making between the dates is incorrect. "format()" returns a string and not a "Moment" type that makes it easy to compare. What you can do is convert startDate and endDate to type Moment like this: and then compare if the date is between days: See if it works, anything just talk

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