Filter AD User - Powershell/CSV


Viewed 109 times


Dear colleagues,

I need to read a CSV file and filter the users within the AD with the information contained in the CSV. I need to compare the CSV field with the Userprincipalname inside the AD.

My script is like this:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory    
$Users = "C:\Script\leiaute.csv"    
Import-CSV $Users -Header UserPrincipalName | Foreach-Object {        
Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '$_'" -SearchBase 'OU=BHZ,OU=MG,DC=elv,DC=intranet' | % {Set-ADUser -Identity $_.’UserPrincipalName’ -Enabled $false}

Does not return me any error message, but does not perform the desired task.

1 answer


  1. I rewrote excerpt from the code
$Base = 'OU=BHZ,OU=MG,DC=elv,DC=intranet'
Import-CSV $Users -Header 'UserPrincipalName' |
    Foreach-Object -Process {
linha 1 Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -like '$PSItem'" -SearchBase $Base |
linha 2     Foreach-Object -Process {
linha 3         Set-ADUser -Identity $PSItem.'UserPrincipalName' -Enabled $false
linha 4     }
  1. You have not placed an example line from your CSV. So, make sure that the command Get-ADUser returns something. Remove lines 2, 3 and 4, and remove the redirect character | at the end of line 1. Run and check that a collection is returned.

  2. To command Set-ADUser, the parameter Identity can be:

  • Distinguished Name ==> CN=Jimsmith,OU=Europe,CN=users,DC=Corp,DC=SS64,DC=com
  • GUID (objectGUID) ==> 599c3d2e-f72d-4d20-8a88-030d99495f20
  • Security Identifier (objectSid) ==> S-1-5-21-3165297888-301567370-576410423-1103
  • Security Accounts Manager (SAM) Account Name (sAMAccountName) ==> Annualreports

Source: SS64 Reference Guide

  1. The field LDAP UserPrincipalName, alias UPN, is based on the RFC822 standard of the Internet. Usually an electronic address, commonly email. Your CSV file must be correct. There’s probably the misconception, when associating UserPrincipalName with Identity. When there is a powershell command with the suffix Get it usually returns a collection of items to which it can be redirected to the command Set, without the need to clarify the field Identity.

  2. Then remove lines 2 and 4, and replace line 3 with Set-ADUser -Enabled $false.

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