doubt about git in fetch and push


Viewed 71 times


  1. In the local project directory start git version control: git init

  2. Enter all project files into git version control: git add .

  3. Commit to the project: git commit -m "brief description of the commit"

git remote add origin

git remote -v origin (fetch) origin (push)

the project goes up, but the folder becomes inaccessible as a white arrow to the direct. git push -u origin master

  • 1

    This folder looks like it was added as submodule in the local repository

  • enters the folder and see if it doesn’t have a . hidden git tb, if it does, I believe that deleting . git and pushing again will fix

  • Good afternoon guys, really that was it, inside the project folder there was . git but it was from Heroku, so I made a copy of the project and deleted the . git, I was not getting it. Thank you

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