Publish Core Web Application with Authentication in Azure


Viewed 14 times


I created a Core Web Application , with Visual Studio 2019 and published it following exactly the step by step indicated in

The application is basically a login and registration screen.

  • I created the project by choosing individual User Accounts
  • I registered a user with the app running local and clicked on Apply Migrations
  • I created Azure App Service from VS Wizard
  • I created Azure SQL Database by VS Wizard
  • I adjusted the configs as in the tutorial

Locally works. When publishing the error and keeps trying up to 10 times "Retrying Operation 'Add' on Object dbFullSql Attempt 5 of 10." until it fails and gives error without explaining more.

I realized that in Publish Settings if I uncheck the option Apply this Migration on Publish can publish. But when using the app published, how to register a user, the error.

I checked in the Azure panel, everything is created there, including the bank. How can I make this Migration work?

The value is ok, all as in the tutorial, with my connection password:

Data,1433;Initial Catalog=Webapplication1_db;User Id=xxxx@xxxsdbserver;Password=XXXXXXX

I am using netcoreapp3.1

1 answer


In the link statement posted from microsoft says "In the next step of the Azure SQL database setup dialog box :" The best practice is to avoid using the same details as the administrator username & password used in the previous step".

However, in my case, it only worked using the same username and password of the administrator.

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