I have two Dataframes, both in csv that import in pandas, one with the history of protocol records and one with a list of people authorized to make changes in the records of procotolos.
How can I make a new dataframe where I check that the person who made the change to the protocol record is on the list of authorized people? Also return an unauthorized 'Authorized' value'?
I’m using the jupyter notebook
The only columns in common is the login column, but they have different names. The login column in the history table is the CUSUAR_INCL_REG column.
History data.
Access data.
Therefore, I wanted to return a new column in the history table with the return: 'You are in the access list' or 'you are not in the access list'.
Could you please put a snippet of the data sets so that we can better understand the problem?
– João Victor Sierra
Hi @joão, I entered the question. Thank you very much.
– Mateus Candido