Javascript Filter by Category


Viewed 61 times


Hello, I have a problem making a category filter, in a store page, there are several categories, the items and the category number are removed from the Mysql database. When I open the page of the store, it shows all the items (until then ok), when I click on some category, it filters normally, but when I click on another again, the items disappear, I need to give refresh on the page for the items to appear again

The collection of items:

products: ko.observableArray([]),
    getProducts: function () {
        function (data) {
            if (!!data) {

The filter in category:

Category: function (Category) {
    var products2 = ctor.products().filter(x => x.Category === parseInt(Category));


<div class="shop-wrapper">
    <aside class="player-cash"><span data-bind="text: 'Você possui ' + cashPoint() + ' coins'"></span></aside>
        <aside class="category-wrapper" >
            <div class="category" data-bind="click: Category.bind($root, '1')"><span> Itens 1 </span></div>
            <div class="category" data-bind="click: Category.bind($root, '2')"><span> Itens 2 </span></div>
            <div class="category" data-bind="click: Category.bind($root, '3')"><span> Itens 3 </span></div>
<div class="shop-wrapper">
    <div class="products-wrapper">
        <div class="product-row" data-bind="foreach: products">
            <div class="product">
                <div class="product-name" data-bind="text:"></div>
                <img data-bind="attr: { src: '../../img/mixmall/' + $data.ItemID     + '.png' }" height=84px width=84px />  
                <div class="product-price-wrapper">
                        <div class="money">$</div>
                        <div class="price" data-bind="text: Price"></div>
                <div class="product-actions">
                    <button data-bind="click: $root.onDetail">Detalhes</button>
                    <button data-bind="click: $"><span>Comprar</span></button>

It seems that it is filtering on top of what has already been filtered, already researched and I did not find how to fix it... Can you help me?

Thank you in advance!

  • seem to be missing scripts to understand your code. I don’t know how the ctor class is created and what its functions do

  • What information do you need? And how can I pass it on?

  • need to show the ctor class. I believe it’s some api you’re using. it comes from this/webshop? api picked up on github?

  • No, it’s from a website that a colleague made for me, but I’m making some changes and corrections.

  • The JS of the WEB page follows as follows:

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