How to pass the array from a method to Another method using interface


Viewed 72 times


I want to create a program that uses interfaces to create a vector class with name and size and have the methods below:

<> +Definirnometamanhovetor +PreencherVetorCriadoInformandoPosicaoValor +Orderer +Exibirvetor

I cannot pass the vector of a method to using the interface.

Follows the class of the vector: package classa06Cencapsulation training;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Vetor Implements Interfacecontroladora {

private int posicaovetor = 0;
private int tamanhovetor = 0;
private String nomevetor = "";

 * @return the nome
public String getNome() {
    return nomevetor;

 * @param nome the nome to set
public void setNome(String nome) {
    this.nomevetor = nome;

 * @param posicao
 * @param tamanho
public Vetor(int posicao, int tamanho) {
    this.posicaovetor = posicao;
    this.tamanhovetor = tamanho;
    this.nomevetor = nomevetor;

 * @return the posicao
private int getPosicao() {
    return posicaovetor;

 * @param posicao the posicao to set
private void setPosicao(int posicao) {
    this.posicaovetor = posicao;

 * @return the tamanho
private int getTamanho() {
    return tamanhovetor;

 * @param tamanho the tamanho to set
private void setTamanho(int tamanho) {
    this.tamanhovetor = tamanho;

public void metodoDefinicaoVetor(String nomevetor, int tamanhovetor) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    int v[] = new int[getTamanho()];
    Arrays.fill(v, 0);
    System.out.println("Nome do vetor = " + getNome());
    // Impressão dos valores dentro da posição do vetor.
    for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { //
        System.out.printf(" " + v[i]);

public void metodoPreencimentoVetor() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


 * @Override public void metodoOrdenacaoVetor() { // TODO Auto-generated method
 * stub int v[] = new int [getTamanho()]; Arrays.sort(v); }
 * @Override public void metodoBuscarValorVetor() { // TODO Auto-generated
 * method stub
 * }


I can’t pass the vector methodDefinicaViewer to the methodPreencimentViewer

How can I do that with this program? Can I link to git with my program here?

  • I didn’t understand the question. Before clarifying it, read a little about SOLID and Design Pattern maybe help you in reformulating.

  • Follow Main to understand what I need: package classes 06CencapsulationTraining; import; public class Programmain { /** * @param args */ public Static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Instantiating and creating a vector with name and size via constructor. Vector 1 = new Vector("created vector01", 5); // Defining the name and size of the new vector vector 1.methodDefiniVetor("created vector02", 3); vector 1.methodPreencimentoVetor(); //vector 1.methodOrdenacaoVetor(); } }

  • Important you [Dit] your question and explain objectively and punctually the difficulty found, accompanied by a [mcve] of the problem and attempt to solve. To better enjoy the site, understand and avoid closures and negativities worth reading the Stack Overflow Survival Guide in English.

1 answer


If you need to use interface, just add the interface as a parameter of your method. All objects of the classes that implement their interface can be passed as parameters. Another way is to declare your "v[]" as a variable outside the method.

public void metodoDefinicaoVetor(String nomevetor, int tamanhovetor) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    v[] = new int[getTamanho()]; // declara o "int v[]" fora desse método. Aqui faz somente a inicilização dele.
    Arrays.fill(v, 0);
    System.out.println("Nome do vetor = " + getNome());
    // Impressão dos valores dentro da posição do vetor.
    for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { //
        System.out.printf(" " + v[i]);

public void metodoPreencimentoVetor() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  • I improved the question and posted the entire program to facilitate... the idea is to use the vector created in the filling method for operations, search and sorting. []

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