The solution to this problem is simple, what happens is that as your code does not have a while loop to continue after performing an action within your GUI, such as collecting the past data and performing the calculation for example it closes.
To solve this I added an infinite loop while which ends when the GUI is closed or the button Exit is clicked and specified events occurring within the program
I kept the layout part
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
[sg.Text("Sexo:", size=(10,0)),sg.Radio("M", "RADIO1",key="masculino"),sg.Radio("F","RADIO1",key="feminino")],
[sg.Text("Biotipo:",size=(10,0)), sg.Radio("Ectomorfo","RADIO2",key="ecto"),sg.Radio("Mesomorfo","RADIO2",key="meso"), sg.Radio("Endomorfo","RADIO2",key="endo")],
[sg.Text("Altura(cm):",size=(10,0)), sg.InputText(size=(6,0), key="altura")],
[sg.Text("Peso(Kg):",size=(10,0)), sg.InputText(size=(6,0), key="peso")],
[sg.Text("Idade:", size=(10,0)), sg.InputText(size=(6,0),key="idade")],
[sg.Button("Calcular TMB", size=(10,0)), sg.Exit()],
[sg.Text("Sua TMB:", size=(10,0)) ,sg.Output(size=(100,0))]
Changed Sg. Window("Basal metabolic rate"). layout(layout) from the window to Sg. Window("Basal metabolic rate",layout) has the same result in a more compact form.
janela = sg.Window("Taxa metabólica basal",layout)
According to the documentation of the Pysimplegui the Sg. Window has the parameters Title and layout within the function being: Sg.window("Title",layout") the simplest way to use, but of course you can also use the .layout(layout) just like you used.
First here I put the loop as said before to give segment on user actions while your GUI is not closed.
I changed the name of Button for Event but it does not influence much is not just a matter of reading
#extrair os dados da tela
while True:
event, values = janela.Read()
Below I added two conditions related to events that occur within the GUI, respectively the act of clicking the button "Exit" and in the "Compute TMB".
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Exit': # if user closes window or clicks cancel
elif event == "Calcular TMB":
masculino = values['masculino']
feminino = values['feminino']
ecto = values['ecto']
meso = values['meso']
endo = values['endo']
altura = int(values['altura'])
peso = float(values['peso'])
idade = int(values['idade'])
if(masculino == True):
tmb = 66 + 13.7*peso + 5*altura - 6.8*idade
elif(feminino == True):
tmb = 665 + 9.6*peso + 1.8*altura - 4.7*idade
In this part here I changed the print mode and put it to appear formatted
The result is still the same but this way if the number is too broken as for example: 785.99999999999 the program will only make visible 785.99
print(f"{tmb:.2f} Kcal")
and finally put this here to force the window shut when the whole code has run.
I hope I helped!
Follow the link to official documentation:
Complete code:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
layout = [
[sg.Text("Sexo:", size=(10,0)),sg.Radio("M", "RADIO1",key="masculino"),sg.Radio("F","RADIO1",key="feminino")],
[sg.Text("Biotipo:",size=(10,0)), sg.Radio("Ectomorfo","RADIO2",key="ecto"),sg.Radio("Mesomorfo","RADIO2",key="meso"), sg.Radio("Endomorfo","RADIO2",key="endo")],
[sg.Text("Altura(cm):",size=(10,0)), sg.InputText(size=(6,0), key="altura")],
[sg.Text("Peso(Kg):",size=(10,0)), sg.InputText(size=(6,0), key="peso")],
[sg.Text("Idade:", size=(10,0)), sg.InputText(size=(6,0),key="idade")],
[sg.Button("Calcular TMB", size=(10,0)), sg.Exit()],
[sg.Text("Sua TMB:", size=(10,0)) ,sg.Output(size=(100,0))]
janela = sg.Window("Taxa metabólica basal",layout)
#extrair os dados da tela
while True:
event, values = janela.Read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == "Exit": # if user closes window or clicks cancel
elif event == "Calcular TMB":
masculino = values['masculino']
feminino = values['feminino']
ecto = values['ecto']
meso = values['meso']
endo = values['endo']
altura = int(values['altura'])
peso = float(values['peso'])
idade = int(values['idade'])
if(masculino == True):
tmb = 66 + 13.7*peso + 5*altura - 6.8*idade
elif(feminino == True):
tmb = 665 + 9.6*peso + 1.8*altura - 4.7*idade
print(f"{tmb:.2f} Kcal")