Sort Angular Component List


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This is Galera speaking! My question is this::

  • imagine a DIV that within it there are several components like the example below:
<div class="row">

And then I want to order the display of these components according to the order I receive from the backend, something like below:

    let ordemProdutos = [
      {produto: 'fogao' , posicao: 3},
      {produto: 'geladeira' , posicao: 5},
      {produto: 'notebook' , posicao: 1},
      {produto: 'ar-condicionado' , posicao: 4},
      {produto: 'televisao' , posicao: 2},
      {produto: 'celular' , posicao: 7},
      {produto: 'maquina-lavar' , posicao: 6}

And then the display of the components that initially would be equal to section 01, was changed to be equal to the section below (according to the order received above):

<div class="row">




Does anyone have any idea how to dynamically sort the components?

NOTE: This is a way to demonstrate the problem I have. the real components do not have these names. I couldn’t create a generic component because each one of them is completely different in terms of content and structure. They are displayed side by side and I need to create a way to sort them according to the positioning that each component has recorded in the backend.

1 answer


The best would be to first order your list

ordemProdutosOrdenada = ordemProdutos.sort((a,b)=> a.posicao - b.posicao)

ai vc can use ngComponentOutlet inside an ngfor to dynamically instate its components

<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="produto.produto"></ng-container>
  • Thank you so much for your help! I was able to do exactly your example. I will go deeper into this subject. I created a little project on Github and Stackblitz If you want to take a look at the link below: - -https:///

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