Line graph does not render (p:lineChart)


Viewed 94 times


xhtml code

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns=""

    <h:form id="form">
        <p:lineChart id="candidatosPesquisa" value="#{linhaBean.linhaModel}"
            legendPosition="e" title="Pesquisa Eleitoral" minY="0" maxY="100"

java code

package graficopizza;

import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import org.primefaces.model.chart.CartesianChartModel;
import org.primefaces.model.chart.ChartSeries;

public class LinhaBean {

    private CartesianChartModel linhaModel;

    public CartesianChartModel getLinhaModel() {
        return linhaModel;

    public LinhaBean(){

    private void popularLinhaModel() {
        linhaModel = new CartesianChartModel();
        ChartSeries candidato1 = new ChartSeries();
        candidato1.setLabel("Candidato 1");
        candidato1.set("Pesquisa 1", 10);
        candidato1.set("Pesquisa 2", 20);
        candidato1.set("Pesquisa 3", 40);
        candidato1.set("Pesquisa 4", 50);

        ChartSeries candidato2 = new ChartSeries();
        candidato2.setLabel("Candidato 2");
        candidato2.set("Pesquisa 1", 15);
        candidato2.set("Pesquisa 2", 29);
        candidato2.set("Pesquisa 3", 12);
        candidato2.set("Pesquisa 4", 40);

        ChartSeries candidato3 = new ChartSeries();
        candidato3.setLabel("Candidato 3");
        candidato3.set("Pesquisa 1", 60);
        candidato3.set("Pesquisa 2", 70);
        candidato3.set("Pesquisa 3", 90);
        candidato3.set("Pesquisa 4", 10);

  • From the code it’s not very clear what you’re looking to do, but if the idea is to plot a graph with a line for each candidate, you’re looking for a combination of LineChartSeries. Take a look in this example.

  • That’s exactly what you understood... Already replaced by Linechartseries and not solved no friend, vlw the attempt

  • Try to cut and paste the example I gave you, at least to identify if it is an encoding problem or configuration of libraries / classpath, etc.

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