How to Test Forms with Cypress?


Viewed 309 times


I’m having a hard time understanding how form testing works with using Cypress.

I would like to test if the page form is redirecting to the page

So far, I was able to run the test, but I suspect that instead of giving Ubmit, Cypress simply "forces" a redirect, because when arriving at the second page ( appears the following error:

chainers.split is not a Function

My test code so far is like this :

// <reference types="cypress" />

context('Actions', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {

        Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => {
            // returning false here prevents Cypress from
            // failing the test
            return false

      cy.visit('',  { force: true })
      it('.submit() - submit a form', () => {


        .find('input[name="email"]').type('[email protected]')


Is he actually doing Ubmit successfully or is he simply forcing a redirect? I’ve never done any tests like this before.

1 answer


I’m a new user of Cypress and testing automation in general, but I was able to notice two things that might be causing interference with your code.

  1. Are you wearing a cy.visit() within the should() and this is directing to the page Try to use the cy.url().should(...) to test whether the accessed page is the expected one. Documentation of cy.url().

  2. The mistake "chainers.split is not a Function" is probably being caused by the call from next() before the should(). The next() is a command that returns the next element based on cy.get(). Documentation of next().

The submit(), according to the Cypress documentation is not a direct interaction command with DOM. I believe Cypress uses the type element "submit" inside the form because the command only interacts with form elements. Documentation of submit.

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