How do I use a virtual keyboard in a Kivy or Kivymd application?


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I am developing an application in python with graphical interface made in Kivymd. My question is the following, when I click in some field textinput I want a virtual keyboard to appear so I can enter the data. How can I do this?

  • I know do in the Kivy. See if the documentation helps you because with the material design I don’t know if it works because there is a difference between Kivy and Kivymd.

  • I saw some examples of Kivy, but I didn’t quite understand what I call inside a .kv the keyboard

  • I haven’t figured out how to use this yet, I was able to make the keyboard work, but not along with the screens I created.

  • 1

    Then I’m just like you. Before commenting I had made an example with the standard Kivy libraries and it worked but when I tested using Material Design it didn’t work. Now I’ve done some research and it looks like there’s more than one Kivmd project: and . One is the original, which seems to have been discontinued and the other is Fork of the first.

  • Yes, I reached the same point, I believe I will have to look for a middle ground, before I’m trying to put the vkeyboard inside a popup, I’m already running out of ideas.

1 answer


I found a configuration that worked using Kivymd:

from kivy.config import Config
Config.set('kivy', 'keyboard_mode', 'systemandmulti')

I just added this and it worked normally. It should also work for Kivy.

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