Receive and read a json with list inside, python


Viewed 53 times


Good afternoon, I’m using the reqparse library, but I don’t know if it works

I’m getting a json like this:

    "boletoPago": [
        "numero_boleto" : 23564754,
        "valor_pago" : 350.00,
        "data_pagamento" : "2020-08-25"
        "numero_boleto" : 28965700,
        "valor_pago" : 180.00,
        "data_pagamento" : "2020-08-25"

and I need to read every piece of these

using a code like this he only catches the first guy on the list

argumentos = reqparse.RequestParser()
argumentos.add_argument("boletoPago", type = str, required =True)
        args = argumentos.parse_args()
        for v in args:
  • I think this should help you

  • does not work, I need to read the list inside the json and the keys inside the lists

1 answer


See if it helps you:

import json

with open('arquivo.json') as f:
    data = json.load(f)

#Acessando as listas
  • Puts Juan, it doesn’t help me much, not if it’s reqparse problem, but apparently it’s not getting the whole list, only her first position, IE, I can’t read the list

  • Try this to see if it’s right on add_argument use type=list and location='json'

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