Unable to load plugin watch (Less)


Viewed 24 times


I’m trying to install Less on my windows, when I give a

lessc --watch agency.less custom.css


Unable to load plugin watch Please make sure that it is installed under or at the same level as

that custom.css would that be my css file? Thank you!

  • Better edit the title of your question with a sentence in Portuguese, I made an issue so you do not have negative votes

  • The error message is stating that the plugin watch should be installed at the same level as Less, so it does not find it, it does not cite the file.

1 answer


You are not trying to install but run Less with the lessc command.

  1. Use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install and use the latest version of Node.js - case do not have Ode installed on your Windows, follow the steps to install nvm on official doc

1.2. Install the Node

nvm install latest

  1. Run the Less installer with npm, navigate to the project folder and type:
npm install less -g
npm i menos --save-dev
  1. Only after installing Less run the lessc build command, for example

lessc caminho-origem/index.less caminho-destino/index.css

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