I created a form inside my site to be sent to my email, it’s not coming in the inbox. What can it be?


Viewed 61 times



On the same day I uninstalled wordpress manually, so I do not know if there was conflict with the . original htacess with the other 2 files (.htacess) that contained Wordpress.

    if(isset($POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])){
       $nome = addslashes($_POST['name']);
       $email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
       $mensagem = addslashes($_POST['message']);
       $to = "faca@facasozinho.com";
       $subject = "Contato - Sugestão FZ";
       $body = "Nome: ".$nome. "\r\n".
            "Email: ".$email."\r\n".
            "Mensagem ".$mensagem;
       $header = "From:fzzsozinho@gmail.com"."\r\n". 
                "Reply - To:".$email."\e\n".
          echo("Email enviado com sucesso!");
        } else {
          echo("O Email não pode ser enviado");

Note: If you can answer me in a way that I learn how to solve and not have the answer in hand I would be grateful.

1 answer


The mistake is in the if, see that no information is returned, Sponse is empty, indicating that it does not enter this IF.

It turns out you misnamed the array $_POST, you typed $POST['email'] instead of $_POST['email'], will probably work when correcting:

if(isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])){

  • @Matheus-gamisz if the answer solved your problem, thank you if you mark it as accepted

  • Another common oversight when learning a new language, do you think using a language-specific IDE like PHP Storm would help or is that common? Thanks in advance.

  • My friend, writing variable names is a common oversight for everyone, especially if you are not using an IDE, rest assured. But, using an IDE helps a lot in code productivity and quality. I’ve been using PHP Storm for a couple of years now, but for many years before I used Netbeans to work with PHP, you’ll be fine with any of them.

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