On the same day I uninstalled wordpress manually, so I do not know if there was conflict with the . original htacess with the other 2 files (.htacess) that contained Wordpress.
if(isset($POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])){
$nome = addslashes($_POST['name']);
$email = addslashes($_POST['email']);
$mensagem = addslashes($_POST['message']);
$to = "faca@facasozinho.com";
$subject = "Contato - Sugestão FZ";
$body = "Nome: ".$nome. "\r\n".
"Email: ".$email."\r\n".
"Mensagem ".$mensagem;
$header = "From:fzzsozinho@gmail.com"."\r\n".
"Reply - To:".$email."\e\n".
echo("Email enviado com sucesso!");
} else {
echo("O Email não pode ser enviado");
Note: If you can answer me in a way that I learn how to solve and not have the answer in hand I would be grateful.
@Matheus-gamisz if the answer solved your problem, thank you if you mark it as accepted
– Ademir Mazer Jr - Nuno
Another common oversight when learning a new language, do you think using a language-specific IDE like PHP Storm would help or is that common? Thanks in advance.
– Matheuz gamisz
My friend, writing variable names is a common oversight for everyone, especially if you are not using an IDE, rest assured. But, using an IDE helps a lot in code productivity and quality. I’ve been using PHP Storm for a couple of years now, but for many years before I used Netbeans to work with PHP, you’ll be fine with any of them.
– Ademir Mazer Jr - Nuno