Help with logic - Portugol Studio


Viewed 396 times


good morning! I’m trying to learn how to program, I started with logic + portugol. When trying to perform a condition exercise, the following error occurred in portugol studio:

"There are code snippets where the methodName variable may not have been started"

    funcao inicio()
        cadeia nome, nomeMaior, nomeMenor
        inteiro idade, cont
        inteiro idadeMaior = 0
        inteiro idadeMenor = 999
        real soma = 0.0
        real media = 0.0
        para (cont = 0; cont < 10; cont++) {
            escreva("Nome: ")

            escreva("Idade: ")

            se (idade < idadeMenor) {
                idadeMenor = idade
                nomeMenor = nome

            se (idade > idadeMaior) {
                idadeMaior = idade
                nomeMaior = nome

            soma = soma + idade

        media = soma / 10
        escreva("A média de idades é: ", media, "\n")
        escreva(nomeMenor , " tem a menor idade que é: ", idadeMenor , " anos.\n")
        escreva(nomeMaior , " tem a maior idade que é: ", idadeMaior , " anos.\n")

Thank you in advance.

2 answers


I took care of it! Due to the new versions of Portugol Studio, the same is asking that values be assigned to variables.

For example:

cadeia nome = ""
inteiro idade = 0
real preco = 0.0 
  • Anderson, you can’t use a variable that wasn’t initialized, because the variable is expected to have a value to be used, and since it was not initialized, it does not contain any value. How you only set a value for the variable nomeMenor within the para but used the variable outside the para, it was necessary to ensure that the variable was initialized before the para.

  • It is a "precaution", since one should consider the possibility that your code will never execute what is within the para, keeping the variable nomeMenor worthless. ;)


Anderson, you cannot use a variable that has not been initialized, because the variable is expected to have a value to be used, and since it was not initialized, it does not contain any value. Since you only set a value for the variable nameMenor inside the to but used the variable outside the to, you had to ensure that the variable was initialized

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