How to search a sentence literally in postgre


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Fellas, I need some help. I’m trying to research a literal phrase in the postgre. I used plainto_tsquery, but he searches the words in the text and not the literal phrase as it was typed. Which brings me more records than I want. I tried phraseto_tsquery, but it finds some phrases and some don’t. Which brings me fewer records than I want. I used the simple dictionary instead of the Portuguese, because it returned Renato and Renata, causing false positive responses. I don’t need him to ignore stop words or search for phonemes. I created a dictionary with the following settings:

create extension sc_texto.unaccent;
alter text search configuration alter mapping 
for hword, hword_part, word with unaccent, simple;

I can search without accent and without mixing Renato with Renata. Everything ok !! But there are some records that the phraseate cannot find. For example "Maria Supermarket". If it is at the beginning of the text it finds, if it is at the end of the text no. the texts with more than 50 thousand characters have this problem. I do not know if I reached some limit of postgre for research.... I used Dice Gin in a tsvector field, already filled with the to_tsvector of the appropriate column. The texts are generated from an OCR of newspapers and magazines.

Thanks for your attention.

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