Recently I decided to try developing in java with Spring boot. I’m not very experienced in this framework. I tried to make a complete application, with back-end with this technology and front-end with Vue using Axios to perform requests.
I did the back-end using Postman, but I felt the need to make requests in the development of the front. I tried to perform CORS configuration using That one and That one tutorials for configuration, but regardless of the form, my requests are being blocked. I even set up as follows:
public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurer() {
public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {
But even so my requests continue to be blocked by CORS.
My Axios is configured as follows:
export default axios.create({
My Back-end is running at door 8081, while my front is at door 8080. I literally don’t know what else to do.
https://stackoverflow.com/a/59938757/4319922. See if this @Crossorigin annotation helps.
– StatelessDev
If I’m not mistaken the browser blocks the
allow-origin: *
when there is the flagwithCredentials
. Basically you can not allow for everyone if there are credentials in the request. It can be this, check in the browser console the error that occurs– Costamilam