I produced a gradient boosting model with the package caret
and applied weights to the target variable. When I call the function varImp
in the model it returns the error:
Error in xgb.model.dt.tree(feature_names = feature_names, text = model_text_dump, : Non-tree model detected! This function can only be used with tree models.
If I don’t apply the weights, varImp
works normally. Why it does not identify my tree?
My code:
model_weights <- ifelse(modelo_df_sseg$FATALIDADES == 1,
yes = (1/table(modelo_df_sseg$FATALIDADES)[2]) * 0.5,
no = (1/table(modelo_df_sseg$FATALIDADES)[1]) * 0.5
model <- train(
as.factor(FATALIDADES) ~.,
data = modelo_df_sseg,
method = "xgbTree",
trControl = trainControl("cv", number = 10),
weights = model_weights
EDITION 04/09/2020
No stack overflow in English guided me to use Wts instead of Weights, but now the error message that appears to me is:
Error in nominalTrainWorkflow(x = x, y = y, wts = weights, info = trainInfo, : argumento formal "wts" corresponde a múltiplos argumentos especificados
Follow a code you can test on your own machines:
basex <- Arrests
model_weights <- ifelse(basex$released == 2,
yes = (1/table(basex$released)[2]) * 0.5,
no = (1/table(basex$released)[1]) * 0.5
y = basex$released
x = basex
tc = trainControl("cv", number = 10)
mtd = "xgbTree"
model <- train(
method = mtd,
trControl = tc,
wts = model_weights,
verbose = TRUE
You need to share all the code and the dataset to whoever is testing can reproduce the error. But the error that is described is that you are trying to call the function by passing as parameter something it does not expect, the function expects a tree model.
– lmonferrari
I also posted a version of the question on the American stack and was told to do it with Wts instead of Weights. I will add in my question with an example base on which you can test on your machine.
– Andre Calais Salles