How to convert 2,22292E+12 to 2222921601281


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I have a method that returns a float (but I can change this return to the other if I need to)

 float mmc(int a, int b)
        float num1, num2, x, y, mmc = 0;
        num1 = a;
        num2 =b;
        x = num1;
        y = num2;
        while (num1 != num2)
            if (num1 > num2)
                num1 = num1 - num2;
                num2 = num2 - num1;

        float resultado =(x * y) / num1;
        mmc = (x * y) / num1;
        return mmc;

When passing high values (which will always occur) it returns letters and numbers. The formula is right, in Excel is beating, but there I format the cell to number and then I get the correct result.
example mmc returned result = 2.22292E+12 and how I need 2222921601281.
How do I convert or treat this value to c# ?

1 answer


You can use decimal instead of float to obtain a more precise result. Floats and doubles work with rounding values, so they wouldn’t be a viable option to calculate mmc, because you need an exact number, not a rounded one.

Ex: MMC(889787, 977541)

Output em float: 8,698034E+12

Output em decimal: 8698033627457

The function would look like this:

decimal mmc(int a, int b)
    decimal num1, num2, x, y, mmc = 0;

    num1 = a;
    num2 = b;
    x = num1;
    y = num2;
    while (num1 != num2)
        if (num1 > num2)
            num1 = num1 - num2;
            num2 = num2 - num1;

    decimal resultado = (x * y) / num1;
    mmc = (x * y) / num1;
    return mmc;

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