Place captions under social media icons


Viewed 105 times


Good morning gentlemen, I ask for help to some God of Css, I need to do in pure css, put these captions aligned the balls of social icons, they are already aligned and already appear, but I can’t get them to 'drop' down below the balls... in the image shows how it should look, HELP

HOW IT SHOULD LOOK: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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The mistake would be on that line:

<b class="text1" style="color: #F7C53F; margin-left: -75px;">Celular</b>
  • 1

    Are you using some UI framework like Bootstrap? It seems to me that the code is a little out of the standard to get into responsiveness. Using bootstrap can gain functions to align everything in cols.

  • Good afternoon, sorry it takes the return I am beginner in CSS and here too. I’m still with the problem, but I had a breakthrough, I just need to figure out how to lower the subtitles below the icons, the project used Boostrap for what I was given, but I’m in a challenge and I got everything, but these captions are breaking me... I can’t get them any lower than the icones with pure css...

1 answer


I got!!!


margin-left: -75px;
position: absolute;
margin-top: 54px !important;

Thank you so much to everyone who tried to help me anyway, have a great week.

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