
Viewed 75 times


Hello, I’m creating a chatbot in Python using the Chatterbot library, so I tried to turn my simple Python code into a file. exe so other people can test, I’m using pyinstaller.

I installed it by command prompt: pip install pyinstaller then I enter the folder that is my code by cmd, and type: pyinstaller [], and it runs all right, compiles all the files, but the problem is when I run the file . exe, that it shows this error. And I would like help to resolve this. Como este

This is my code

from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
from chatterbot import ChatBot

bot = ChatBot('Aiby')

Train = ['Oi', 'Olá','Como vai?', 'Vou bem e você?', 'Vou bem também!']


while True:
    ask = input('Você: ')                       
    answer = bot.get_response(ask)
    if float(answer.confidence) > 0.0:
        print('Aiby: ', answer)
                print("Aiby: Acho que não sei como responder a isso, me desculpe!")

If you need more details you can comment below, I will be willing to help you help me!!! Thank you in advance!

1 answer


Friend you can try before you create the program, create a folder called "Lib" in the root folder of your project and drag the libraries that your program uses inside. the libraries in windows are in the following directory

"H: Users your user Appdata Local Programs Python Python38-32 Lib site-Packages

in the "H" yours may be different, so you can switch to the letter of your partition and in the user you put the name of your user.

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