How to put a PHP code inside an HTML that is stored in a PHP variable?


Viewed 630 times


I am a beginner in PHP. My intention is to create a variable that will store snippets of a DIV in HTML. However, some excerpts of this HTML contain PHP instructions, and I don’t know how to make these instructions "readable", so to speak.

My code is just below. Note that I have the variable $variavel. My problem is inside the paragraph teacher.



  $variavel .= ' 
                    <a href="meusite.php?id='.$row["id"].'" target="_blank">
                        <div class="grid__item large--three-tenths medium--five-tenths">
                        <img src="imagens/imagem.jpg" alt="'.utf8_encode($row["fullname"]).'" title="'.utf8_encode($row["fullname"]).'">
                        <p class="h6">'.utf8_encode($row["fullname"]).'</p>
                        <p class="professor">


                        $iddocurso = $row["id"];
                        $professor = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM mdl_course";
                        $resultProf = $conn->query($professor);
                        if ($resultProf->num_rows == 1) {
                            while($row2 = $resultProf->fetch_assoc()) {
                                echo 'Professor: '.utf8_encode($row2["firstname"]).' '.utf8_encode($row2["lastname"]);
                        } else if ($resultProf->num_rows > 1) {
                            $array_professores = array();
                            while ($row2 = $resultProf->fetch_array()){
                                $array_professores[] = utf8_encode($row2['firstname']).' '.utf8_encode($row2['lastname']);
                            $professores = implode('; ', $array_professores);
                            echo 'Professores: '.$professores;
                        } else {
                            echo "Sem professor cadastrado";
/* ATÉ AQUI */

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2 answers


In php and html you should always remember that php runs before html is displayed.

Php runs on the server-side (hosting) and html run on the client-side (browser).

Then separate your code to run first in php and then put in the variable what you want to display in html.

Sort of like this:


// Primeiro execute seu php e em vez de usar "echo" para exibir durante a execução,
// coloque as variaveis para exibir depois no local que você quer q o resultado apareça:
// veja que troquei o "echo" por "$variavelderesultado" no seu código abaixo e mudei ele de posição.

    $iddocurso = $row["id"];
    $professor = "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM mdl_course";
    $resultProf = $conn->query($professor);
    if ($resultProf->num_rows == 1) {
        while($row2 = $resultProf->fetch_assoc()) {
            $variavelderesultado =  'Professor: '.utf8_encode($row2["firstname"]).' '.utf8_encode($row2["lastname"]);
    } else if ($resultProf->num_rows > 1) {
        $array_professores = array();
        while ($row2 = $resultProf->fetch_array()){
            $array_professores[] = utf8_encode($row2['firstname']).' '.utf8_encode($row2['lastname']);
        $professores = implode('; ', $array_professores);
        $variavelderesultado = 'Professores: '.$professores;
    } else {
        $variavelderesultado = "Sem professor cadastrado";

// depois que você ja executou o que queria ai sim você coloca a variavel armazenada onde deseja que apareça:

$variavel .= ' 
<a href="meusite.php?id='.$row["id"].'" target="_blank">
    <div class="grid__item large--three-tenths medium--five-tenths">
    <img src="imagens/imagem.jpg" alt="'.utf8_encode($row["fullname"]).'" title="'.utf8_encode($row["fullname"]).'">
    <p class="h6">'.utf8_encode($row["fullname"]).'</p>
    <p class="professor">

  // E depois de tudo finalizado que você utiliza o "echo" para exibir o resultado.
  echo $variavel;
  • 1

    Excellent explanation, Bruno!! Besides having worked perfectly, managed to understand the logic and principles you used! Thanks a lot, man!

  • @winiercape glad to have helped ^^


Whenever you mix html with php, follow this basic rule:

Next: If php variable is closed with double quotes "", then all html inside will have to be contained by simple quotes '', or vice versa. In addition, where a code is to be included php between the code html, you must close the quotes of the variable (double, in the case of the example below) followed by . $code . and restart the quotes of html " as in the example below.

php from within follows the same line of reasoning.

Example: My code with html and php inside a php variable:

$variavelx = "<div class='nomedaclasse'>" . $codigophp . "</div>" . $codigophp2 . "<br>"; 
  • Thanks for the answer, Amanda! I was able to understand this principle, and I even thought about it, but since it involved other code within HTML, it didn’t work. But thanks for the return!

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