Resume part of a string in function Return


Viewed 55 times


I’m trying to find a string, and then scroll through some characters to get the desired information. I can do this, however, instead of presenting on screen I would like to assign the other variable, so that this data collected after the string found is the Return of my function.

int RetornaString(char *pString1, char *pString2)

    char *aux;

    aux = strstr(*pString1,*pString2);

    if (aux != NULL)
        int i;
        for (i = 8; i < 24; i++)
            printf("%c",*(aux + i));
    return 0;

From now on, thank you for your time, with my question!

2 answers


Hello! You can change the function type to:

char* RetornaString(char *pString1, char *pString2)

So you can return a part of any string, for example:

char* RetornaString(char *pString1, char *pString2) {

    const char string1[20] = "exemplo_palavra";
    const char palavra[10] = "palavra"; 
    char *aux;
    char *retorno;

    aux = strstr(haystack, needle);
    return retorno;

Using dynamic memory with malloc ensures that the contents of the return string will not be lost when the function is finished! (Don’t forget to use the free to free that same memory when you don’t need it anymore!

  • Cool turned out great, but I still need a "for", why? Because, I want to take information that is variable, and it always comes after the word "data", e.g. Let’s say my string contains "data:HS73NSS9374N7ALW823", so I’m trying to develop a function that identifies the word "data" traverses 6 bytes and captures 19 bytes below "HS73NS9374N7ALW823".

  • The code I posted is a little more generic, but should do what you need


i want to take information that is variable, and always comes after the word "data", e.g. Let’s say my string contains "data:HS73NSS9374N7ALW823", so I’m trying to develop a function that identifies the word "data" traverses 6 bytes and capture 19 bytes below "HS73NS9374N7ALW823"

There is a certain ambiguity in your question. You say you are looking for "dados" but it looks like you’re looking "dados:" and says that it wants to traverse 6 bytes but apparently wants to extract the data immediately from the string it is looking for, which in this case has 6 bytes if it is "dados:" and not "dados" as I said.

But your example helped well. Or I didn’t understand anything :) or so.

Imagine a function like this:

    char* filtro19(
    const char*     origem,
    const char*     prefixo,
    const size_t    deslocamento,
    const size_t    comprimento);


  • origem is the initial string,"dados:HS73NSS9374N7ALW823" in his case
  • prefixo is, who would have thought, the prefix, like "dados:" in his case
  • deslocamento is the byte shift from where you start copying, 0 in your example
  • comprimento is the total bytes you want to extract, 19 in your example

The return is a pointer to a string, dynamically allocated and which must be targeted by a free() somewhere on your own. Of course, it returns NULL if you cannot find the data to extract.

I have written an example. I have not tested beyond what I will show you below.

I tried not to call any other function, except malloc() and memcpy() at the end. I could avoid memcpy(), but you’d have to copy it anyway and since you can’t tell if you have all the bytes to extract until you find the end of the entry so it should be faster.

Note that you need to test if you actually have enough data to extract before finishing the input string, and need to finish the output string at the end.

That is the function:

    char* filtro19(
    const char*     origem,
    const char*     prefixo,
    const size_t    deslocamento,
    const size_t    comprimento)
    size_t    ixIn = 0;
    size_t    ix = 0; // para o deslocamento
    char      st = 0;
    const char* alvo = prefixo;
    char* saida = NULL;
    // vai ate o fim da string de origem
    while (*origem != 0)
        switch (st)

        case 0: // buscando inicio do prefixo
            if (*origem != *prefixo)
            {   // ainda nada
                origem += 1;
            };  // if()
            origem += 1;
            prefixo += 1;
            st = 1;

        case 1: // buscando prefixo na string
            if (*prefixo == 0)
            {   // fim do prefixo
                st = 2;
            };  // if()
            if (*prefixo != *origem)
                st = 0;
                prefixo = alvo; // reinicia prefixo
            // igual por enquanto
            ixIn += 1; // precisa do tamanho
            origem += 1;
            prefixo += 1;
        case 2: // andando no intervalo
            if (ix == deslocamento)
                st = 3;
                ix = 0; // agora vai contar a saida
                alvo = origem; // aqui comeca o alvo
            ix += 1; // anda uma casa
            origem += 1;
        case 3: // agora aponta para a saida e conta
                // os bytes pedidos
            if (*origem == 0)
            {   // acabou antes: nao tem bytes suficientes
                // depois do prefixo e eventual deslocamento
                return NULL;
            ix += 1;
            if (ix == comprimento)
            {   // achou tudo!
                saida = malloc(comprimento + 1);
                memcpy(saida, alvo, comprimento);
                *(saida + comprimento) = 0;
                return saida;
            };  // if()
            origem += 1;

    // se chegou aqui nao achou nada
    return NULL;

The logic is simple: it is a FSA, a state machine because it’s easier to write. The idea is simple: search the prefix, calculate the offset, check if you have the requested content, allocate the memory, copy the data and finish the string.

Here is the output of a test program, with a function teste() to display the parameters

        Filtro: Buscando 2 bytes
                0 bytes depois de
                '73' em

filtro() retornou 'NS' [2]

        Filtro: Buscando 2 bytes
                0 bytes depois de
                '8' em

filtro() retornou '23' [2]

        Filtro: Buscando 3 bytes
                0 bytes depois de
                '8' em

filtro() nao encontrou resultado

        Filtro: Buscando 1 bytes
                0 bytes depois de
                '2' em

filtro() retornou '3' [1]

        Filtro: Buscando 5 bytes
                2 bytes depois de
                ':' em

filtro() retornou '73NSS' [5]

        Filtro: Buscando 19 bytes
                0 bytes depois de
                'dados:' em

filtro() retornou 'HS73NSS9374N7ALW823' [19]

Understand that the offset can be zero as in the case of your example. And the value between [ ] in the example is the length of the string returned

I don’t want to get into religious discussions here. I compiled only with CL 19.27 from Microsoft.

Here’s the whole program

#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char* filtro19(
    const char*, const char*,
    const size_t, const size_t
);  // o filtro
void    teste(const char*, const char*,
    const size_t, const size_t); // o teste

int     main(void)
        "73", 0, 2);

        "8", 0, 2);

        "8", 0, 3);

        "2", 0, 1);

        ":", 2, 5);

        "dados:", 0, 19);

    return 0;
};  // main()

char* filtro19(
    const char*     origem,
    const char*     prefixo,
    const size_t    deslocamento,
    const size_t    comprimento)
    size_t    ixIn = 0;
    size_t    ix = 0; // para o deslocamento
    char        st = 0;
    const char* alvo = prefixo;
    char* saida = NULL;
    // vai ate o fim da string de origem
    while (*origem != 0)
        switch (st)

        case 0: // buscando inicio do prefixo
            if (*origem != *prefixo)
            {   // ainda nada
                origem += 1;
            };  // if()
            origem += 1;
            prefixo += 1;
            st = 1;

        case 1: // buscando prefixo na string
            if (*prefixo == 0)
            {   // fim do prefixo
                st = 2;
            };  // if()
            if (*prefixo != *origem)
                st = 0;
                prefixo = alvo; // reinicia prefixo
            // igual por enquanto
            ixIn += 1; // precisa do tamanho
            origem += 1;
            prefixo += 1;

        case 2: // andando no intervalo
            if (ix == deslocamento)
                st = 3;
                ix = 0; // agora vai contar a saida
                alvo = origem; // aqui comeca o alvo
            ix += 1; // anda uma casa
            origem += 1;

        case 3: // agora aponta para a saida e conta
                // os bytes pedidos
            if (*origem == 0)
            {   // acabou antes: nao tem bytes suficientes
                // depois do prefixo e eventual deslocamento
                return NULL;
            ix += 1;
            if (ix == comprimento)
            {   // achou tudo!
                saida = malloc(comprimento + 1);
                memcpy(saida, alvo, comprimento);
                *(saida + comprimento) = 0;
                return saida;
            };  // if()
            origem += 1;

    // se chegou aqui nao achou nada
    return NULL;

void        teste(
    const char* origem,
    const char* prefixo,
    const size_t deslocamento,
    const size_t comprimento
        "\n\tFiltro:\tBuscando %zd bytes\n\t\t%zd bytes depois de "
        "\n\t\t'%s' em\n\t\t'%s'\n",
        comprimento, deslocamento, prefixo, origem);
    char* valor = filtro19(origem, prefixo, deslocamento, comprimento);
    if (valor != NULL)
        printf("\nfiltro() retornou '%s' [%zd]\n", valor, strlen(valor));
        printf("\nfiltro() nao encontrou resultado\n");
};  // teste()

// /questions/470035/
// retonar-parte-de-uma-string-no-return-da-fun%c3%a7%c3%a3o

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