What is Rootdse


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The manager of my company, gave me a file talking very little about "rootDSE", and told me that it is a way to integrate LDAP with programming languages. I’ve never heard of it this way, and I don’t think it’s necessary material to understand if he’s right. The most understandable definition was this: "rootDSE is defined as the root of the directory data tree on a directory server. rootDSE is not part of any namespace. The goal of rootDSE is to provide data about the directory server. - Microsoft "

However, is there any form of interaction with rootDSE and some programming language? It is a file, a command, which is exactly?

  • 2

    see if this doesn’t help you http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/667301/How-to-query-Active-Directory-without-hard-coding

  • It helped yes, I understood and I was able to recover the values and understand how it works.

  • I just haven’t seen if it has the ability to integrate with languages, or if I use it just to get the values.

1 answer


Is there some form of interaction with rootDSE and some programming language?

There are several. In this article posted by @Pablovargas as a comment, there are examples in C#, VB.NET and Ironpython.

It is a file, a command, which is exactly?

It is a data structure accessible through a class called DirectoryEntry. This data structure is language-independent, but must necessarily be a language that can be approached. NET, which is where this class is implemented.

Taking as an example for this answer the example in C#:

        string defaultNamingContext;
        using (DirectoryEntry rootDSE = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE"))
            defaultNamingContext = rootDSE.Properties["defaultNamingContext"].Value.ToString();
        Console.WriteLine("Accessing domain: {0}", defaultNamingContext);

Here he is asking Rootdse for information on the domain where the data structure is hosted. The full list of information that can be requested is here.

I just haven’t seen if it has the ability to integrate with languages, or if I use it just to get the values.

The integration should be written manually if you wish, if the path is the same as the Rootdse reading. Implemented even is just the value-getting scheme.

Or you can read this excellent article, which teaches you various ways to get the information you want in your Active Directory.

  • Thank you, that explanation cleared my doubts.

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