I have 3 files of routes.
- It contains the routes that the user can access without having to be logged in, in my case only the signin screen.
import React from 'react';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
import SignInView from '../pages/SignIn';
import Loading from '../pages/Loading';
const AuthStack = createStackNavigator();
const AuthRoutes = () => (
export default AuthRoutes;
- Routes the logged-in user can access. (ALL OTHER)
import React from 'react';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
import Dashboard from '../pages/Dashboard';
const AppStack = createStackNavigator();
const AppRoutes = () => (
export default AppRoutes;
- What checks if the user is logged in and redirects to the correct route file.
import React from 'react';
import AppRoutes from './app.routes';
import AuthRoutes from './auth.routes';
import { Logado } from '../services/apiUser';
const Routes = () => {
//aqui vai o if com o retorno se esta ou nao logado se nao authroutes se sim approutes
return <AppRoutes />;
return <AuthRoutes />;
export default Routes;
I’m trying to call Dashboard and I can’t
const Dashboard = ({ navigation }) => {
return (
<ButtonDashboard onPress={() => navigation.navigate('AuthStack', {screen: 'Dashboard' })}>
<ButtonTitle>Chamar Dashboar</ButtonTitle>
export default Dashboard;
I get that mistake:
console.error: The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"Neme":"Approutes", "params": {screen":"Dashboard"}} was not handled by any Navigator
I went up to git to make it easier to help myself. https://github.com/cirulei/vitrine
useEffect(() => { logged in(); }, []); ?
– marcelo colombo
Type this :const [user, setUser] = useState(); const userinfo = api.getUserInfo(); setUser(userinfo); export default user;
– user188062