Write a program that reads a character and displays the boolean value True (true) if it is a digit between ' 0' and ' 9' if not False (false)


Viewed 117 times


def cont(caracter):
    digito = ord(caracter)
    return digito == 0 or digito == 9

def main():
    usuario = str(input())

if __name__ == '__main__':

Where is the error in that code?

  • 1

    I believe the question calls for amid 0 and 9 and not 0 or 9. Try digito >= 0 and digito <= 9. I didn’t understand the use of the function ord, would not suffice a int(caracter)?

  • 1

    input already returns a string, so str(input()) is redundant and unnecessary. Just do input() that is sufficient to have a string

  • 2

    It is also worth remembering that ord error if the string has more than one character, so a suggestion would be to check the size of the string (len(caracter)) or capture the TypeError

2 answers


There are some mistakes, and some things too complex.

You are transforming the character typed in its number into the table that determines which are the characters (ASCII or Unicode). So you have to buy with this number and not the number equivalent to the character. Maybe it wasn’t even what I wanted to do, but since you did I kept it, I just compared it to the numbers at table to be correct (48 is character 0 and 57 is character 9). I interpreted that the track is fully inclusive, but the question does not make this clear.

Another problem is that you’re just checking the tips, the first or the last, and the numbers that are in the middle of that, where do you compare? So I changed the operator to buy a range of numbers. There are other ways to do this.

I took some things that aren’t necessary, and I changed the function name because cont doesn’t mean anything.

I did not solve all problems of that, read hkotsubo’s comment. If you do not want to give error you would have to make validations, even if you change the form of conversion of values. Because every data entry should be validated when there are restrictions on what you can type.

def verifica_digito(caractere):
    digito = ord(caractere)
    return 48 <= digito <= 57


Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

  • I got, thank you so much for your help


Can be done with integer conversion also. I made some modifications to the code to make it simple. Note that the function now returns True or False depending on what was typed.

def cont(number):
return number > 0 and number < 9


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