Check if there are active products in this brand, if not, show brand


Viewed 36 times


I have two tables in my bank, adm_marca and adm_produto, at the moment, is showing in my view all brands, regardless if there are active products or not, I need to show only brands that do not have active products. How to do this check?

My view:

  <?php foreach ($marcas as $marca) { ?>
                            <li><a href="<?php echo base_url("marca/" . $marca->getSlug()); ?>"><?php echo $marca->getNome(); ?></a></li>
                        <?php } ?>


  public function marcas(){
   return $this->doctrine->em->getRepository("Entity\AdmMarca")->findBy(array('status'=> 1));   

1 answer


  • The problem is that I would have to make a Ner Join, the only relationship I have between the tables is the product table that contains the brand ID. But if I create a method that takes the product table to validate, I can’t bring the brands themselves.

  • Then use not(), I modified the answer there!

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