Identify sequential records between a short period of time


Viewed 79 times


I need your help to identify sequential records in my database in a short period of time


$qdt_acao_suspeitas = 5; //5 ações consecutivas
$tempo = 10; //10 minuntos

If user X performs the action more than $qdt_acao_suspeitas between time $tempo displays an echo informing...

Sequential records in my bank:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


mat3us made 5 equal shares in less than 10 minutes

guilherme21 made 5 equal shares in less than 10 minutes

I’ve tried something like

$flood = $pdo->querySELECT usuario,action,data,count(action) FROM eventos GROUP BY usuario,data having count(action) > 5");

in a while I make the following request

if($flood > 0){

would like a return of all users matching my request

but I’m sure my SELECT not much to do with what I want to do and I’m already out of ideas

  • And how much is "short term"? 10 minutes? this will be difficult to do in the query, if it was for 1 minute or 1 hour, just group the date per minute or hour and make a Count, will have to do this in the code

  • Which bank is it? Assuming Mysql, search by lead / lag de window functions , which allow you to see the previous records of an sql , , also timediff for the difference calculation , others SGBD has similar solutions

  • @Ricardopunctual supposing it is 1 hour, as would be in practice?

  • @Motta I’ve tried too, gives the error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a Member Function fetch() on bool in ...

  • gives a look at this other answer to get an idea:

  • @javinha lead and lag works , but I believe it depends on the environment , version etc

  • @Ricardopunctual I did in the same reasoning and always returns the Fatal Errol =@

  • good without seeing the code it is difficult to help... edit and ask the question

  • This would also be the case if thinking the case of a Function, very complicated rules can be solved by Function.

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1 answer


Try to modify your select. Considering that each access can be considered Flood or not depending on the previous accesses, you can add a column to count these accesses like this:

SELECT usuario,action,data,
SELECT count(*)>=5 FROM eventos
where eventos.usuario = x.usuario and 
data between DATE_ADD(, INTERVAL -10 MINUTE) and
) as is_flood
FROM eventos as x

The is_flood column will have the information if the event is followed by 5 previous events within 10 minutes.

  • Apparently it is working, THANK YOU for real help, if I could reward you let me know =D. Just one question, this returning all the data, I would like to group per user, how would it look? use a group by?

  • I added a GROUP BY data and it worked. Thank you =D

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