How to do JSON function return Monthly amount of liters fueled in one year period


Viewed 40 times


The function should return this Example: { "January": 500.00, "February": 514.00, ....}

My table has the following fields.

Km of supply Liters Abastecidos Valor Pago Date of supply

I developed an instruction that manages to group the months, but I’m having difficulties to make the sum of the liters supplied in each month and the total liters within a year.

    //GET: api/GetTotalLitrosPorAno/consulta=litros&ano=2020
    public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Veiculo>>> GetTotalLitrosPorAno(string ano)
        DateTime d = new DateTime(int.Parse(ano), 1, 1);

        var a = await _context.Veiculos
                         .Where(v => v.DataAbastecimento.Year == d.Year)
                         .GroupBy(x => new
                             Month = x.DataAbastecimento.Month

        return Ok(a);


How can I perform this procedure ?

  • I’m sorry, your question has nothing to do with JSON, Visual Studio or webapi... is a matter of Linus and lambda queries.

  • @Leandroangelo, how to proceed since then, you could assist me in the matter of Lillian and lambda queries ?

  • And yet in its proposal, the Json does not make sense if the months are not arranged in another object, which would be the year... Unless you want to add up all the "Windows" of all the years...

2 answers


You would need to group by date, or direct month and then select on top of the generated list by multiplying the value by the amount of liters.

I made a console application to illustrate your case, I hope it helps or give you a light, follows below the DTO used for simulation of your bank:

public class Valores
        public double ValorPago { get; set; }
        public DateTime DataAbastecimento { get; set; }
        public double QtdLitros { get; set; }

and the program class with the code.

class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //carrega valores aleatórios
            List<Valores> valores = new List<Valores>() {
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,1,20), ValorPago = 3.00, QtdLitros = 20 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,1,20), ValorPago = 3.20, QtdLitros = 21 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,1,20), ValorPago = 3.40, QtdLitros = 23 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,2,20), ValorPago = 3.50, QtdLitros = 15 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,2,20), ValorPago = 3.00, QtdLitros = 30 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,3,20), ValorPago = 3.80, QtdLitros = 22 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,3,20), ValorPago = 3.45, QtdLitros = 27 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,5,20), ValorPago = 3.60, QtdLitros = 29 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,4,20), ValorPago = 3.70, QtdLitros = 18 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,6,20), ValorPago = 3.50, QtdLitros = 5 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,8,20), ValorPago = 3.80, QtdLitros = 45 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,9,20), ValorPago = 3.90, QtdLitros = 20 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,10,20), ValorPago = 3.50, QtdLitros = 30 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,11,20), ValorPago = 3.70, QtdLitros = 12 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,12,20), ValorPago = 3.80, QtdLitros = 18 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,3,20), ValorPago = 3.80, QtdLitros = 12 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,12,20), ValorPago = 3.85, QtdLitros = 45 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,11,20), ValorPago = 3.50, QtdLitros = 50 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,5,20), ValorPago = 3.60, QtdLitros = 40 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,7,20), ValorPago = 3.45, QtdLitros = 30 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,8,20), ValorPago = 3.10, QtdLitros = 12 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,6,20), ValorPago = 3.15, QtdLitros = 18 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,9,20), ValorPago = 3.30, QtdLitros = 16 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,10,20), ValorPago = 3.45, QtdLitros = 19 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,12,20), ValorPago = 3.78, QtdLitros = 12 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,11,20), ValorPago = 3.85, QtdLitros = 21 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,4,20), ValorPago = 3.98, QtdLitros = 24 },
                new Valores { DataAbastecimento = new DateTime(2020,11,20), ValorPago = 3.45, QtdLitros = 26 },

            var valoresAgrupados = valores.Where(w => w.DataAbastecimento.Year == DateTime.Now.Date.Year)
                                    .GroupBy(g => g.DataAbastecimento.Month).Select(s => new { Month = s.Key, Valor = s.Sum(soma => soma.QtdLitros * soma.ValorPago)});

            foreach (var item in valoresAgrupados)
                Console.WriteLine($"Mês: {item.Month} - valor: ${item.Valor}");

Expected result:

Mês: 1 - valor: $205,4
Mês: 2 - valor: $142,5
Mês: 3 - valor: $222,35
Mês: 5 - valor: $248,4
Mês: 4 - valor: $162,12
Mês: 6 - valor: $74,19999999999999
Mês: 8 - valor: $208,2
Mês: 9 - valor: $130,8
Mês: 10 - valor: $170,55
Mês: 11 - valor: $389,95
Mês: 12 - valor: $287,01
Mês: 7 - valor: $103,5


I managed to develop a solution that served perfectly in my project, may not be correct but it worked and I am sharing.

    public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<Veiculo>>> GetTotalLitrosPorAno(string ano)
        DateTime d = new DateTime(int.Parse(ano), 1, 1);

        //var ops = await _context.Veiculos.Where(v => v.DataAbastecimento.Year == d.Year).ToListAsync();
        ////var conta = (dynamic)null;
        //var conta = ops.Sum(v => v.Litros);

        List<Relatorio> lista = new List<Relatorio>();

        var eai = await _context.Veiculos
                         .Where(v => v.DataAbastecimento.Year == d.Year)
                         .GroupBy(x => new
                             Month = x.DataAbastecimento.Month

        var mes = "";
        decimal valor = 0;
        foreach (var item in eai)
            valor = 0;

            switch (item.Key.Month)
                case 1:
                    mes = "Janeiro";
                case 2:
                    mes = "Fevereiro";
                case 3:
                    mes = "Março";
                case 4:
                    mes = "Abril";
                case 5:
                    mes = "Maio";
                case 6:
                    mes = "Junho";
                case 7:
                    mes = "Julho";
                case 8:
                    mes = "Agosto";
                case 9:
                    mes = "Setembro";
                case 10:
                    mes = "Outubro";
                case 11:
                    mes = "Novembro";
                case 12:
                    mes = "Dezembro";
                    mes = "Mês inexistente";

            foreach (var k in item)
                valor = valor + k.Valor;

            lista.Add(new Relatorio { Mes = mes, Valor = valor });

        //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lista, Formatting.Indented);

        return Ok(lista);
        //return Ok(abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxz);


This function returns me to JSON the way I wanted, bringing the planned result.

    "mes": "Janeiro",
    "valor": 300.00
    "mes": "Fevereiro",
    "valor": 200.00
    "mes": "Março",
    "valor": 400.00
    "mes": "Maio",
    "valor": 100.00
    "mes": "Junho",
    "valor": 200.00
    "mes": "Julho",
    "valor": 500.00
    "mes": "Agosto",
    "valor": 400.00
    "mes": "Outubro",
    "valor": 300.00
    "mes": "Novembro",
    "valor": 100.00
    "mes": "Dezembro",
    "valor": 300.00

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