Pick element by css selector


Viewed 26 times


I have a div where I want to take it by function document.querySelector but I can’t

The div:

<div class=" f:.9 m-b:.4 m-t:.5 d:i-b ">Conteúdo</div>

I tried to make document.querySelector('div.f:.9 m-b:.4 m-t:.5 d:i-b') but I couldn’t

Someone knows how to do it?

1 answer


Try this:

// Exemplo
let queryScape = document.querySelector(`.f\\:\\.9.m-b\\:\\.4.m-t\\:\\.5.d\\:i-b`);

queryScape.style.background = 'red';

// Código
<div class="f:.9 m-b:.4 m-t:.5 d:i-b">Conteúdo</div>


The characters ' : ' and ' . ' in the class conflict with normal CSS selectors for class and special attributes, like :Nth-Child or :last-Child, so when using these characters in the class name, it is necessary to "escape" the selection query

To escape, just use ' ' before the special character.

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