Property 'profileStore' is Missing in type '{}' but required in type 'Readonly<Appprops>'. ts


Viewed 321 times


I wanted to at least print the background red I put on footer.module.scss on index.tsx. I’m using this structure:


and is returning this bug here, at index.tsx:

Property 'lance' is missing in type '{}' but required in type 'IProps'.

The index.tsx:

import Footer from "./../components/footer"
import { IProps } from "./../components/footer/types"

function Batata() {
  return (
      {/* Configurações de head (helmet) */}

export default Batata

My Footer.tsx:

import React from "react"
import { IProps } from "./types"
import scss from "./Footer.module.scss"

function Footer(props: IProps) {
  return <section className={scss.container}>{props.lance}</section>

export default Footer

The package.json


The types.ts:

  export interface IProps {
  lance: string
  • The right thing wouldn’t be <main><Footer lance='algo'></Footer></main>? You are calling the component without passing the props to it...

  • Thank you, that’s what I needed.

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