Whoops, you guys!
First I wanted to say that I am very beginner and self-taught. I started with CS50 and I’m on the walk, rs. Contextualizing the code: 1x a week I work at an organic fair and I need to constantly write down the products and the amount I take. However, I would like to create an R table with this so I can work and study with them, and for this I want to create a C automation that receives a file. txt with these two or three columns and returns me with another . txt that has " ; "between the values.
Input: mamão 2000 g
Output: mamão ; 2000 ; g
That’s all!
I used fread() with a *buffer char I created and allotted memory with malloc and fwrite() with another *buffer char I get the modified copy (in thesis) with what I want it to do in the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//função para descobrir o tamanho do arquivo
long int sizeOfFile (FILE *infile);
//vâm vê o que é isso aí ainda
void CriarTabela (char *text, char *modText);
//a ideia é ser nomeado o arquivo de entrada que deseja modificar e o nome em que o programa irá salvá-lo depois
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
//avisa o usuário se o programa não for utilizado corretamente
if (argc != 3)
fprintf(stderr, "./tabela_sc input.txt output.txt\n");
return 1;
//gravando os nomes dos arquivos
char *infile = argv[1];
char *outfile = argv[2];
//abrindo arquivos de texto e criando nova tabela
FILE *raw_table = fopen(infile, "r");
FILE *mod_table = fopen(outfile, "w");
//se não houver memória, encerrar programa
if (raw_table == NULL || mod_table == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Não há memória suficiente para realizar a operação!\n");
return 2;
//descobrindo tamanho do arquivo para inicar array
long int sf = sizeOfFile(raw_table);
//criando buffer array para armazenar o arquivo
char *origTable = malloc(sizeof(sf));
//criando +1000 bytes de memória para modificações (arbitrário)
char *modTable = malloc(sizeof(sf + 1000));
fread(origTable, sizeof(char), sf, raw_table);
CriarTabela (origTable, modTable);
fwrite(modTable, sizeof(char), sizeof(char), mod_table);
return 0;
long int sizeOfFile (FILE *infile)
fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END);
long int sf = ftell(infile);
return sf;
void CriarTabela (char *text, char *modText)
int modificacoes = 0;
for (int i = 0; text[i] != EOF; i++)
if (i == 0)
modText[i + modificacoes] = origText[i];
// se for um espaço em branco seguido/precedido por um caractere e seguido/precedido por um número, insira "; " e atualize o número de modificações feitas
else if ((isblank(origText[i]) && isalpha(origText[i - 1]) && isdigit(origText[i + 1])) ||
(isblank(origText[i]) && isdigit(origText[i - 1]) && isalpha(origText[i + 1])))
modText[i + modificacoes] = origText[i];
modText[i + 1 + modificacoes++] = ';';
modText[i + 1 + modificacoes++] = ' ';
modText[i + modificacoes ] = origText[i];
printf("%c", origText[i]);
When it didn’t work out, I thought it was a problem with the somewhat gambiarristic logic I had used to make these modifications in Criatabela(), but it seems that the problem lies in the original *buffer char. So I inserted a printf in the function Create table() to see what happened and lo and behold this seg fault.
Does anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong?
you are allocating the size of a long and not the amount of bytes indicated by sf. As, from what I understand, your input file can contain lines of different lengths will be that it would no longer be practical to use fgets/fputs and handle the changes line by line?– anonimo