How to simplify javascript "getElementByid"


Viewed 117 times


I was wondering if it is possible to simplify this instruction when clicking on imputs. I can put input-smtpname, input-smtplogin.... etc...?

document.getElementById('customSwitch1').onchange = function() {
    document.getElementById('input-smtpname').disabled = !this.checked;
    document.getElementById('input-smtplogin').disabled = !this.checked;
    document.getElementById('input-smtp').disabled = !this.checked;
    document.getElementById('input-smtpport').disabled = !this.checked;
    document.getElementById('input-smtpass').disabled = !this.checked;
    document.getElementById('input-smtpssl').disabled = !this.checked;
  • 1

    You can clarify the question because it doesn’t make sense. You ask for a simplification, okay, but this passage "...I can input-smtpname, input-smtplogin.... etc...?" needs to be clarified because it is absent of meaning.

  • @Augustovasques I even understand your need, but two people understood what I was thinking of doing, I also believe that I do not need to be very clear, because as I said, people understood and helped me with my goal!

  • 1

    If the answers satisfied you better, but I suspect that your problem can be solved with a single line. I just don’t have information to affirm.

4 answers


You can define an array with the ids of the elements that should be affected, and make a cycle that toggle for each of them, example:

// Supondo que todos os elementos tenham "input-" como prefixo
const elementIds = ['smtpname', 'smtplogin', 'smtp', 'smtpport', 'smtpass', 'smtpssl'];

for(let el of elementIds){
  let id = `input-${el}`;
  let element = document.getElementById(id);

  element.disabled = !element.checked;

You can also define a function and pass the elements it should iterate as an array as follows:

function toggleElements(...ids){
  for(let el of ids){
    let id = `input-${el}`;
    let element = document.getElementById(id);

    element.disabled = !element.checked;

And then pass the elements to be updated to the same as follows:

toggleElements('smtpname', 'smtplogin', ...)
  • I liked your explanation, so much so that I had an idea to use in another form. Maginifico!


Yes, you can put input-***** or Inp-***, alias will facilitate code simplification

input[id^="input-"] selects the inputs that have the id with a value that starts exactly with a given string, in the case, input- see here

With just one line of code and jquery solves your problem

document.getElementById('customSwitch1').onchange = function() {

 $('input[id^="input-"]').prop("disabled", !$('input[id^="input-"]').prop("disabled"));

       /* ############### bonus ############### */
      /* ##################################### */

<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" id="customSwitch1" name="check" value="true">
<label id="label" for="check">Habilitar</label><br>

  <input id="input-name" type="text" disabled>
  <input id="input-email" type="text" disabled>
  <input id="input-cpf" type="text" disabled>
  <input id="input-telefone" type="text" disabled>
  <input id="input-tantofaz" type="text" disabled>


See if this makes sense to your case.

We create a small function that takes all inputs for type, and scans all of them enabling and disabling according to the checkbox, in this way, we do not take into consideration the ids.

const check = document.querySelector('#check');
const form = document.querySelector('#form');
const inputs = form.querySelectorAll("input");

check.addEventListener('change', event => {
  if( === true) {
  } else {

const habilitar = (value) => {
  inputs.forEach(input => {
    input.disabled = value;
<input type="checkbox" id="check" name="check" value="true">
<label for="check">Habilitar</label><br>
<form id="form">
  <input id="input-name" type="text">
  <input id="input-email" type="text">
  <input id="input-cpf" type="text">
  <input id="input-telefone" type="text">
  <input id="input-tantofaz" type="text">

  • that really good alternative! But I keep thinking, I believe it will affect other form inputs! I believe I’m right, so I have to determine the ones I need to avoid improperly disabling others!


There is no native shortcut, a suggestion would be to create an alias for the functions querySelector and querySelectorAll just like browser debug tools do:

const $  = document.querySelector;
const $$ = document.querySelectorAll;

This way you could search the elements of your page with a syntax similar to jQuery:

$('#customSwitch1').onchange = function() {
    $('#input-smtpname').disabled = !this.checked;
    $('#input-smtplogin').disabled = !this.checked;
    $('#input-smtp').disabled = !this.checked;
    $('#input-smtpport').disabled = !this.checked;
    $('#input-smtpass').disabled = !this.checked;
    $('#input-smtpssl').disabled = !this.checked;


$('#customSwitch1').onchange = function() {
    const elementos = $$('#input-smtpname, #input-smtplogin, #input-smtp, #input-smtpport, #input-smtpass, #input-smtpssl');
    for (const e of elementos) e.disabled = !this.checked;

But that’s a subjective solution to something that’s not even a problem, that honestly, I don’t even know if it fits the site scope.

  • Magnificent User140828, I liked the second option gives me something cleaner, as it will not be routine, only in two forms I believe will be the most appropriate!

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