Within a method belonging to an object, the this of the called function does not point to the object


Viewed 41 times


I have a function:

let comparaComThis = function (param) {
    console.log (this === param)

And I have an object that calls this function:

const obj2 = {  

The point is that when I call the function of the object, the this points to the global. Why?

2 answers


According to the documentation:

Inside a Function (...) this will default to the global Object.

That is, the code below (running in a browser) will print "true":

function f() {
    // no browser, this é igual a window
    console.log(this == window);

    // no Node, this é igual ao objeto global
    //console.log(this == globalThis);


And in this case no matter where the function is called, the this her remains the same:

function f() {
    console.log('dentro de f =', this === window);

let obj = {
    chama_f() {
        console.log('dentro de obj.chama_f =', this === obj);


The output of this code is:

dentro de obj.chama_f = true
dentro de f = true

That is, within the function chama_f, the this is equal to obj, but within the function f, the this remains the window. Even though f has been called within chama_f, no matter, the this is not affected by this who called her.

That is what is happening in your case. Within the function consta, the this refers to obj2, but within comparaComThis, the this is the window.

let comparaComThis = function (param) {
    console.log('comparaComThis =', this === window);

const obj2 = {  
        console.log('consta =', this === obj2);

The exit code above is:

consta = true
comparaComThis = true

If you want to change the this that comparaComThis sees, an alternative is to use call (which is explained in more detail here):

let comparaComThis = function (param) {
    console.log('comparaComThis =', this === param);

const obj2 = {  
        // aqui o "this" é obj2, e com call() eu informo que também será o "this" da função comparaComThis
        console.log('consta =', this === obj2);
        comparaComThis.call(this, obj2);

The first argument of call is the object that will be seen as this inside comparaComThis. In case, I passed the this concerning the function consta, that we have seen in the previous example that is obj2. And from the second argument on is what will be passed to the function comparaComThis (in case I passed obj2, that is, within the function, param will be obj2).

Yes, it’s confusing. But that’s how the this it works, every hour it can be a different thing...

And not directly related, but in this case you could also declare the function as:

function comparaComThis(param) {

In this case there is no gain in using a Function Expression, but since it’s a simple example, it doesn’t matter either. But there are cases where it does, learn more reading here.

  • But in this particular case, in mine,?

  • @Arthur But I showed that the this moult. Within consta, the this is equal to obj2, and within comparaComThis, the this is the global object (window run in a browser, globalThis run on Node). I didn’t understand what you didn’t understand :-)


  • I saw the link and I found no topic in which it addresses the same case as mine

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