How to link a . php file to an HTML page?


Viewed 752 times


The pages on my site are built like this: index.php (this is a file that only has "requires", that requires .php pages that have HTML, these pages will mount the page in question) one of the index requires (a file that is HTML, its extension is php) has a link that should call a file. php analog to index.php (a file that has "requires" and will therefore run on the server)

The problem I’m having is addressing: I don’t know how to put the address (I want it to be addressed from the root) in

See the image attached, I think the problem will become clearer. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • It is not possible to put as href="<?= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ?>/fisica/curso..."> ?

1 answer


Don’t need to put what comes before on the way, use the ./ current path, ie:

The current page is and you use the <a href="./exemplo.php"></a>, click goes to

If using with two dots, the path will rewind a folder:

The current page is and you use the <a href="../exemplo.php"></a>, click goes to

You can use you can use chain to get back more than one ex folder: ../../../exemplo

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