How to bring the unique values of a list array according to the newest Javascript date


Viewed 41 times


Good afternoon

this script only works if my Array is always sorter from oldest to newest date

How would you give

var dados = [

    var novo_dados = []

    ar = []
    function addArr(el,str){
            return true

        nome = dados[i][1]


1 answer


  let dados = [
      ["09/01/2020", "JOAO"],
      ["13/01/2020", "PAULO"],
      ["23/01/2020", "JOAO"],
      ["01/01/2020", "JOAO"],
      ["01/01/2020", "PAULO"],
      ["02/01/2020", "JOAO"],
      ["02/01/2020", "PAULO"],
      ["03/01/2020", "JOAO"]

    const resultado = [];

      // Primeiro efetua o parse da Data
      .map(a => {
        const ddMMyyyy = a[0].split('/');

        return [
          new Date(ddMMyyyy[2], +ddMMyyyy[1] - 1, ddMMyyyy[0]),
      // Ordena os registros de acordo com o novo campo Date
      .sort((a, b) => {
          if (a[0] < b[0]) {
            return 1;
          } else if (a[0] > b[0]) {
            return -1;
          } else {
            return 0;
      // Os itens agora estão ordenadas, então podemos garantir que a lógica abaixo irá funcionar
      // Para cada item...
      .forEach(item => {
        const nome = item[2];

        // ...verifica se o nome já foi incluido no resultado
        if (!resultado.some(x => x[1] === nome)) {
          resultado.push([item[1], item[2]]);


  • The method sort waits for a numerical return (negative for less, equal to 0 for equivalent, positive for greater). You are returning a boolean.

  • It is true @user140828, but remember that there is an implicit conversion where +true === 1 and +false === 0 are true. I will make a change to consider the -1

  • 1

    You don’t need all these if and else, just do a[0] - b[0], because objects of the type Date implement the method valueOf to return a numerical value (the number of milliseconds since Unix Timestamp).

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