Get a specific XML field


Viewed 158 times


I’m creating a program in python which aims to get data from an XML, I am using xml.etree.Elementtree for this, I am using a for to call the fields cEAN I need, but the for returns an element list plus I want only one element at a time, how can I do this?

The XML used:

<nfeProc xmlns="" versao="4.00">
<NFe xmlns="">
<infNFe versao="4.00" Id="NFe35200823520039000135550010000031451090031450">
<det nItem="1">
<det nItem="2">
<det nItem="3">
<det nItem="4">
<det nItem="5">
<det nItem="6">
<det nItem="7">
<det nItem="8">
<det nItem="9">
<det nItem="10">
<det nItem="11">

What I’ve tried to do:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse("C:\\Users\\Expedição\\Videos\\XML\\xml_teste1.xml")
root = tree.getroot()

ns = {'nfe': ''}
for det in root.findall('.//nfe:det', ns):
    quantidade = det.find('.//nfe:qCom', ns).text
    EAN = det.find('.//nfe:cEAN', ns).text
    print( EAN)

1 answer


with the help of the xmltodict library available at link you can perform the xml parser for Dict or json and also perform the return path. also created a gist to expand this code a little.

import xmltodict

my_xml = """
<nfeProc xmlns="" versao="4.00">
    <NFe xmlns="">
        <infNFe versao="4.00" Id="NFe35200823520039000135550010000031451090031450">
                <det nItem="1">
                        <xProd>AF QUADRIAXIAL 6 QR6 HURRICANE</xProd>
                <det nItem="2">
                        <xProd>AF QUADRIAXIAL 6 QR6 HURRICANE</xProd>
my_dict = xmltodict.parse(my_xml)


#acesso aos elementos do dicionário, para os que tem atributos se utiliza list:
print (my_dict['nfeProc']['NFe']['infNFe']['ide']['det'][0]['prod']['cEAN'])


OrderedDict([('nfeProc', OrderedDict([('@xmlns', ''), ('@versao', '4.00'), ('NFe', OrderedDict([('@xmlns', ''), ('infNFe', OrderedDict([('@versao', '4.00'), ('@Id', 'NFe35200823520039000135550010000031451090031450'), ('ide', OrderedDict([('det', [OrderedDict([('@nItem', '1'), ('prod', OrderedDict([('cProd', '01.304'), ('cEAN', '7898338312758'), ('xProd', 'AF QUADRIAXIAL 6 QR6 HURRICANE'), ('NCM', '85182100'), ('CEST', '0105700')]))]), OrderedDict([('@nItem', '2'), ('prod', OrderedDict([('cProd', '01.304'), ('cEAN', '7898338312758'), ('xProd', 'AF QUADRIAXIAL 6 QR6 HURRICANE'), ('NCM', '85182100'), ('CEST', '0105700')]))])])]))]))]))]))])


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