Hello, I’m trying to implement the java classes, by wsdl of the Sefaz web service, via cxf wsimport. As you all know, to consume Sefaz web services, you need to have a digital certificate, and I do. However I don’t know how to pass this certificate on cmd, wsmport. For this reason I get this error:
[ERROR] PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Falha ao ler o documento WSDL: https://nfe.sefa.pr.gov.br/nfe/NFeInutilizacao4?wsdl, porque 1) não pôde localizar o documento; 2) o documento não pôde ser lido; 3) o elemento-raiz do documento não é <wsdl:definitions>.
How do I do that?? Thank you!