Error generating files/classes from a Netbeans Web Service


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I am trying to generate files/class from a Web Service and bring it to my Java project.

For this I am using Netbeans IDE 8.0.2

At first I’m getting the message "Uma classe/interface com o mesmo nome já está sendo usada. Use a personalização de classe para resolver este conflito."

During my researches I found a very similar case:

The author link indicates that I must set the property -b-xautoNameResolution (with true value) (image below) in options wsimport and this will solve the problem.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Then the log presents me the following error:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My doubt is, as the command -b-xautoNameResolution did not end up in the line of execution of wsimport (as shown in the log above).

With wsimport at command prompt I can do this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    Try value as the option name and -XautoNameResolution as value (I know it sounds strange, but it was like this in earlier versions of Netbeans).

  • Ah, I forgot, this is done on Jaxb’s dashboard, not the wsimport.

2 answers


Thanks for all your help, the image below shows you how to solve the question.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


I noticed that you used -b (lower case) in the Netbeans IDE interface and -B (upper case) in the terminal. Looking at the "wsimport" documentation there is a difference in the semantics of these two options and you really should be wanting the second: -B<jaxbOption>.

That would be the problem?

  • 1

    Anthony Accioly answered this question in the comment below my question. It’s a netbeans bug. In the option field I put value and in the value field -Xautonameresolution in the wsimport panel. Vlww

  • That’s nice @Eduardo. Another quirk of Ides. Could Anthony (or yourself) not create an answer with the right content? Then you accept the answer so that the question leaves the list of problems without solution of the site. Hug

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