Help - How to remove blue Pycharm markup when typing


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You guys, good night! Please, I would like some help for a beginner in programming. How do I remove this blue tag in the Pycharm editor, as shown in the photo, so it goes back to normal?

Since thanks for the help!

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • This blue color occurs when selecionamos one or more lines of code. For you, undo the selection (remove this blue color), just click with the left mouse button on any place in the useful area of the code.

  • @Solkarped Thanks for your attention! But I’m trying here and I’m not getting it, unfortunately. Both left and right I’m not getting it. Could?

  • Are you debugging your code? You have debug enabled?

  • @Solkarped was building a code and I don’t know what I did, this selection appeared in blue. I’m trying to press somewhere and I can’t undo it. What would debug be enabled? I’m still at the beginning of the course learning.

  • Debug is a code debugging tool. Maybe, you activated it without realizing it. In any case, save your code, close Pycharm, and then restart it.

  • @Solkarped Unfortunately it still continues. Get out of it and go back and continue. How do I disable debug? I even opened another file and appeared this mark in blue.

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1 answer


If you were traversing the code while using the debugger, the current runpoint line would be highlighted in a similar way (although a different color is used by default):inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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