Error Code: 1093 You can’t specify target table’d' for update in FROM clause


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I’m trying to delete the record from the table but returns me this error message, what I’m doing wrong ? I tested in various ways and I always fall in this message

Error Code: 1093 You can’t specify target table’d' for update in FROM clause

   DELETE d  FROM tbl_atividades AS d  WHERE codigo NOT IN (
      FROM tbl_atividades AS a
        INNER JOIN tbl_atividades_por_dep AS b 
          ON a.tipo_atividade = b.atividade 
          AND a.departamento = b.departamento
          AND a.tributacao = b.tributacao
    ) AND d.status <> 'CONCLUIDO'
    AND d.extra_urgente_comum <> 'E'
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