Create 2 zipped files with files from a folder


Viewed 51 times


I’m trying to create a code that reads a directory with pdf files and creates 2 zipped files containing these pdf, in my code, I only managed to play all pdf in a single zipped file, my question is how to create the two.


class zipar_pdf:
    def __init__(self, diretorio, nome):
        self.diretorio = diretorio
        self.nome = nome        

    def zipar(self):        
        #Criando arquivo zip com os pdf          
        with zipfile.ZipFile(self.nome, "w") as oZip:            
            print('Buscando arquivos...\n')            
            for caminho, _ , arquivos in os.walk(self.diretorio):
                print(f'Compactando arquivos em {self.nome}...\n')
                for arquivo in arquivos:
                    caminhoCompleto = os.path.join(caminho, arquivo)                    
                    if arquivo.startswith("test"):                        
                        oZip.write(caminhoCompleto, basename(caminhoCompleto))
PDF = zipar_pdf(r'exemplo_diretorio', '')

In the directory has 6 pdf, with the name Test1.pdf, up to test6.pdf, it is possible to put up the test3 in a zipped file and then the rest in another?

1 answer


An alternative is to use pathlib.Path.glob passing a Pattern corresponding to the names of the files you want, and add only these files in the zip. Only then you will need a different name for each zip file.

Another point is that I don’t know if you really need to have a class for this, I think "exaggerate" too much. Would look like this:

from pathlib import Path
import zipfile

diretorio = 'exemplo_diretorio'
zip_config = { # mapeia o nome do arquivo zip com os arquivos que ele terá
    '': 'teste[1-3].pdf', # de 1 a 3
    '': 'teste[4-6].pdf' # de 4 a 6

p = Path(diretorio)
for zip_name, file_pattern in zip_config.items():
    with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, "w") as oZip:
        for f in p.glob(file_pattern):

At most, I would make a function that gets the directory and zip file settings:

def zipar(diretorio, zip_config):
    p = Path(diretorio)
    for zip_name, file_pattern in zip_config.items():
        with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, "w") as oZip:
            for f in p.glob(file_pattern):

zipar('exemplo_diretorio', { '': 'teste[1-3].pdf', '': 'teste[4-6].pdf' })

So you can reuse the logic, just changing the parameters informed (for example, if you want a single zip with all the files, just pass { '': '*.pdf' }).

But if you really want to use a class (which as I said, I find "exaggeration"/unnecessary for this case), it would look something like this:

class ZiparPdf:
    def __init__(self, diretorio, zip_config):
        self.diretorio = diretorio
        self.zip_config = zip_config

    def zipar(self):
        p = Path(self.diretorio)
        for zip_name, file_pattern in self.zip_config.items():
            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, "w") as oZip:
                for f in p.glob(file_pattern):

z = ZiparPdf('exemplo_diretorio', { '': 'teste[1-3].pdf', '': 'teste[4-6].pdf' })
  • Thanks for the help! About using classes, the reason is that I’m learning about this subject and I thought about applying, I’m new in the programming area, I made another version only with a function that was giving the same result

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  • One question, in this function, is taking the test.pdf files by the number that comes along in front of it, has some function that would put the files inside the . zip by quantity and not by name?

  • @Vitorxavier I don’t know, probably you will have to count manually (maybe use a counter in the loop, for example). Or you take the list of all the files and then iterate by parts. Ex: arquivos = list(Path(diretorio).glob('*.pdf')) to have a list of all the PDF’s, and then take arquivos[0:10] for the first 10 (from zero to 9), then arquivos[10:20] to catch from the tenth to the nineteenth, etc

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