Redirect domain to . com


Viewed 890 times


I have two domains: the main one is . com and the secondary one is

I need to make sure that every time you go it redirects to, even when it has a subfolder, for example: redirect to

The host I use is iPage.

  • In what language is your site?

  • Does this influence something? It’s just an HTML page with a form, using PHP to upload it.

  • It influences my response. I recently had a problem like this on a platform that developed the C# base and I have a code ready that does the checks and directions. So unfortunately I can’t help

  • 1

    All right buddy! Thanks anyway!

  • Is using apache server?

1 answer


  • Thank you friend! That’s right!

  • Ok! Don’t forget to put the missing tags to your questions. Hug.

  • 1

    Just to complete the answer, here is a tutorial on iPage Right at the beginning it shows the screen where to edit htaccess, and other ways to redirect your domain.

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